
For the cylinder and the Apollo model, the body-fixed coordinate frame coincides with the orbit-defined (vo) system at the start of the scenario.


The Cylinder is a cylinder of uniform density and size 12m x 1m x 1m. Mass properties and moments of inertia about the center of gravity are given in the following table.


Cylinder (Uniform Density)
Ixx500 kg m2
Iyy12,250 kg m2
Izz12,250 kg m2
Ixy0.0 kg m2
Iyz0.0 kg m2
Izx0.0 kg m2
m1000 kg
x6.0 m
y0.0 m
z0.0 m

Apollo Model

The following are supplementary images for the Apollo Model used in this study. Mass properties and moments of inertia about the center of gravity are given in the final table.

Apollo Model
Ixx36,502.7​ kg m2
Iyy38,372.4​ kg m2
Izz36,514.9​ kg m2
Ixy-27.1 kg m2
Iyz1,152.4 kg m2
Izx233.2 kg m2
m16,642.0​ kg
x4.7 m
y0.01 m
z-0.0075​ m