Constellation Spacesuit Portable Life Support System (PLSS) Trace Contaminant Control

Paul, H. L., Jennings, M. A., and Waguespack, G. M., Requirements and Sizing Investigation for Constellation Space Suit Portable Life Support System Trace Contaminant Control AIAA 2010-6065, NASA, 2010.

This presentation summarized the results of a trade study that evaluated whether trace contaminant control within the Constellation Spacesuit PLSS could be achieved without a Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) by relying on suit leakage, ullage loss from the carbon dioxide and humidity control system, and other factors. Mallory Jennings and Dr. Glenn Waguespack studied trace contaminant generation rates to verify that values reflected the latest designs for Constellation spacesuit system pressure garment materials and PLSS hardware. They also calculated TCCS sizing and conducted a literature survey to review the latest developments in trace contaminant technologies.

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