NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Human Systems Integration of the Mars Ascent Vehicle

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The Mars Sample Return Campaign is a complex system, that includes two landers and two rovers, an orbiting return vehicle, and  the Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV). NASA Marshall Space Flight Center is responsible for MAV and is working  with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Lockheed Martin to complete this part of the multi-year campaign.  Human Systems Integration (HSI) of the MAV is paving the way for HSI in unmanned missions, as MAV is one of the first projects to officially be mandated to have an HSI plan, as directed through NASA Procedural Requirements.  The Marshall HSI lead has needed to be flexible and innovative, in the face of changing requirements and evolving management strategies. 

The HSI plan has had to be adaptive to these changes, while continuing to be useful and valuable to the SE team and to project management.  The fact that the project has continued to rely on the HSI approach, despite outside argument that this focus was unnecessary, has only proven the value of HSI in such systems.  This presentation highlights the plan and the path that led to the current status.

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