An Innovative Jump Start for MBSE Tooling, NTL Results

NASA’s Center of excellence for Collaborative Innovation (CoECI) uses open innovation, or “crowdsourcing”, to access the global public to find ideas, concepts, designs, or solutions that meet a previously unmet need possibly resulting in significant advances in performance. CoECI runs the NASA Tournament Lab (NTL); NTL is the public brand which conducts the challenges.

A NTL challenge was sponsored by NASA Engineering and Safety Center Systems Engineering Technical Fellow as part of a program for NASA’s adoption of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). It was a trial to see if there would be as much participation or quality submissions with this more specialized topic and skill. The challenge sought space architecture representations and decompositions to create a library of modeled parts in a system modeling language (SysML).

Solutions came from individuals and teams, students and professional consultants from the United States and Europe. Through this challenge, we learned a few lessons about how to engage with the public and what characteristics of a problem result in good crowdsourcing results. In this webcast, we’ll explore the proposed direct use of entries, with examples from their models, as well as discuss the benefits of running the NTL challenge.

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