Experimental Data

Download all experimental data sets and plots. download

Download powerpoint file discussing experimental data sets. download

Download data file descriptions. download

Simulation cases and data files for each case:

Case 1 Case 2 Optional Case 3A Optional Case 3B Optional Case 3C
Mach 0.7 0.74 0.85 0.85 0.85
Dynamic Data Type Forced oscillation ƒ = 10Hz, |Θ| = 1° Flutter Unforced Unsteady Forced oscillation ƒ = 10Hz, |Θ| = 1° Flutter
Notes - Attached Flow
- OTT exp. data
- R-134a
- Flow state(?)
- PAPA exp. data
- R-12
- Separated Flow
- OTT exp. data
- R-134a
- Separated Flow
- OTT exp. data
- R-134a
- Separated Flow
- No exp. data
- R-134a
Steady Data Steady Data Steady Data Steady Data No data available
Unsteady Data Unsteady Data Unsteady Data Unsteady Data No data available
Download case files Case 1 files Case 2 files Case 3 files

Publications and Presentations

BSCW Configuration presentation from the AePW-1
BSCW summary presentation from the AePW-1
OTT testing of the BSCW, by Piatak and Cleckner
NASA_TM4457_BSCW.pdf Includes the physical properties of BSCW (includes measured coordinates in tables)
Testing of the BSCW splitter plate
NASA_TM104180_BMP.pdf Benchmark Models Program description and highlights
AIAA-1992-2368_Dansberry.pdf Includes description of the dynamic characteristics of the BSCW

AePW-1 BSCW Workshop presentations
